This is a personal laptop that is about the size of a raspberry PI board. On the top is mounted a pico sized projector- warning autostart video. It is covered by an expanding "screen" that is held to form by springy wires. It pops up like one of those popup tents , with a screen (11"-17") depending on which is connected. The projector basically aims almost straight up and adjusts the image to appear normal.
The keyboard is a projection keyboardfor use on a normal desk/flat surface. Another option is for when you are typing on your lap and away from a solid desk, is to have a bluetooth connection to a pair of glasses that displays the keyboard. It would appear like the keyboard is floating in air but the base computer would pick up where your fingers are. This would be bad for touch typers but usable overall.
The idea is to minimize the construction/raw materials needed to produce a netbook-sized processor computer that can run without a cooling fan. It would be about 3"W x 4"L x 2"D (cm 7.6 Wide x 10.15 Long x 5 Deep).
edit: I did come up with a better way of getting the floating keyboard in the glasses. Use a small projector that aims upwards towards a pair of glasses, this way when you look down at the device an image of a keyboard will be formed on your glasses when you are at the proper angle.
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