Monday, October 24, 2016

NFC chip digital signature with Notary

Thinking about the Contract Paper from yesterday, I realized that it would require a particular set of hardware in order to ensure full legal identification. This would be for contracts that require a Notary to stamp it.

The Notary Stamp will have a built in power source, a connection to the DMV, a screen and a RFID reader/writer. The Notary will place the device on the contract (perhaps scanning the text) to ensure that the text matches what will be encrypted in the NFC chip. At this point each of the signatories place their ID chips on the device in turn so that the notary can verify identity. As each is ok'd by the notary, their id is encrypted into the contract.

When the writing process is finished it will purge the memory of the device, ensuring confidentiality. Another feature could take an encrypted copy of the contract, storing it in the device for future upload to County Records databases. This would then provide for Contracts have 3 points of protection, while still appropriating privacy.  The contract would then be able to be read by either of the signatories or whomever has a power of attorney.

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