Monday, October 24, 2016

NFC chip digital signature with Notary

Thinking about the Contract Paper from yesterday, I realized that it would require a particular set of hardware in order to ensure full legal identification. This would be for contracts that require a Notary to stamp it.

The Notary Stamp will have a built in power source, a connection to the DMV, a screen and a RFID reader/writer. The Notary will place the device on the contract (perhaps scanning the text) to ensure that the text matches what will be encrypted in the NFC chip. At this point each of the signatories place their ID chips on the device in turn so that the notary can verify identity. As each is ok'd by the notary, their id is encrypted into the contract.

When the writing process is finished it will purge the memory of the device, ensuring confidentiality. Another feature could take an encrypted copy of the contract, storing it in the device for future upload to County Records databases. This would then provide for Contracts have 3 points of protection, while still appropriating privacy.  The contract would then be able to be read by either of the signatories or whomever has a power of attorney.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Legal paper with integrated NFC

With most legal contracts there is always the issue that perhaps the legibility may be lost. This could happen through accident or maliciousness. My solution is to have very thin Near Field Communication (NFC) circuits ( that can then hold both the text of the document and the encrypted signatures of those involved.

Most paper used for long term contracts are of a heavier bond than normal paper, this should allow for the above NFC tags to be inserted into the paper, much like a watermark, with layer of paper both the top and bottom of the tag. These tags can hold a variable amount of data and can be encrypted.

With my idea, the tag is programmed to hold the encrypted text of the document so that it can be double checked in the future. As an additional security measure, we can use the NFC "signatures" of individuals. There are currently a wide variety of implemented NFC devices, from mobile phones to rings. This would allow us to bring back signet rings which can now be made that hold an encrypted signature with their own nfc chip.

The mixing of these technologies would allow for encryption and double authentication of various legal documents by having both a physical signature on the paper from multiple people as well as having the encrypted signature of each signatory.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Tech Tree of Hope

I sit and I wonder what type of future there will be and if I will play a role, no matter how small, that will ensure that it becomes a future of hope. In that spirit, I have created an ideal tech tree that will create an infrastructure of knowledge that will lead from one development to the next. The focus on tech shouldn't be what drives a society forward, instead the basis for these innovations should ride on the coattails of a philosophical change that can come about only through a change in the way humans think and perceive the world around them.

But until I figure that out, here is my path to the future.

Beginning with the ideal of a floating society that is interdependent with no loyalties to the outside firmament. Not necessarily fully self-sufficient because we recognize the contributions that all humans can make to our continued existence.

With this in mind, we start with boats. Living aboard sailing vessels, extending upward to larger craft. Then create a meditation center that floats and is open to the public. A retreat from the civilization. Expand out to international waters with enclosed fish farm spheres. Checked daily to ensure the survival of our food sources. Expand the fish farm to a central housing system so that it doesn't require the back and forth transfer of people. Expand downward to the sea floor to search for ores to be used and sold. Design automated deep sea scavengers.

Find a place and people in need of clean power that have large expanses of open land, then construct a massive solar tower. Integrate an algae farm within its environs. Develop the automated ground effect train for transfers within to without. Integrate the beamed power system, then work to use the beam to fly aircraft for loner distances.

Use the knowledge of these massive construction projects to build a floating airship. Using automated flying craft for resupply missions to the surface, put them in orbit around the Antarctica. Develop a series of fish farms that also operate in the cold southern oceans. Using the deep water autonomous mining drones, collect more raw materials.

Build the rotating sky hook launch tether in orbit. Using beamed powered high altitude cargo craft, begin the construction of a space transfer vehicle. Use airships as airborne launch facilities that use the ground based beam power supply. Once the transfer ship is completed, begin sending equipment to orbit around Venus.

In orbit around Venus, begin the construction of a skyhook system for inserting objects into the Venusian atmosphere. Construct airships the size of cities. Use the high pressure drones to collect minerals on the surface of Venus. Begin the conversion of the Venusian atmosphere to Earth standard.

Be well.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Ted Talk about learning languages

His steps

Attention, Meaning, Relevance, Memory

5 principles

      1)   Focus on language content that is relevant to you:
2) Use your new language as a tool to communicate from Day 1
3) When you first understand the message, you will unconsciously acquire the language
4) Physiological Training: muscles to speak and muscles to hear
5) Psycho-physiological State matters

Learn to deal with ambiguity!

7 Actions for Rapid Language Acquisition

1) Listen a lot/brain soaking
2) Focus on getting the meaning first, before the words
3) Start mixing words
4) Focus on the Core- 1000 words is 85% of daily language, 3000 words is 98%
5) Get a language parent
a) Works to understand what you are saying
b) Does not correct mistakes
c) Confirms understanding by using correct language
d) Uses words the learner knows
6) Copy the face
7) “Direct connect” to mental images

Friday, May 20, 2016

Lightweight summer coat that has lots of vents

Florida heat. Florida sun. Florida rain. It's awesome but definitely an impractical place for most clothing. I want a coat that hangs long (below butt) and has lots of underside venting- under armpits, flap on back of shoulders, loose sleeves at wrist that can be buttoned to the middle of arm. The challenge is that it needs to be lightweight enough to allow the flapping of the fabric to funnel air around your body to keep you cool, but still keep the afternoon rainshowers from drenching you. Or maybe have it just let you get wet and then dries in a flash. This is bigger than just a shirt that does these things so that you can wear it constantly to block the heat and improve airflow.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Mobile pod housing that transfers between former big box stores.

So every town has big box stores that are sitting empty because no one has a business that fits. My idea is two parts:
  1. Sell converted cargo containers into housing units, but have them remain able to be placed on trailers for easy moving. They would also have standardized connections for utilities.
  2. Modify empty big box stores to allow for cargo containers to be provided with utilities inside of a secure, climate controlled area.
So if you are a mobile professional that tends to move from city to city after a year or you do 3-6 month contract jobs in cities around the country, the thing that is missed is a sense of home. Hotels get old and the idea of paying for rent while you're away is wasteful, so why not bring your house with you?
You buy a container and have it finished according to a menu of selections, or have it customized. Then when you have a new contract you simply call the trucking company and it's placed on a trailer and shipped to your new location. No packing, except to secure loose items. Then when it gets to the former big box store it's unloaded and then stacked into pre-positioned layouts to ensure that you have access to utility connections as well as stairwells for entry and exit. The containers would be stacked up to 3 high depending on interior space of building. The interior could have a simple grid setup or perhaps there would be a layout of various paths or tennis courts depending on how the owner builds it out.

Bioluminescent bacteria controlled keyboard

Pressing the keys agitates bacteria causing them to light up and the light travels down a fiber optic cable to cause a photocell to activate. Could be expanded to include all sorts of control systems that can't use electricity but are outside and able to absorb sunlight. Or could be expanded to use light controlled transistors to run a code. Coded bacteria transmitting different colors of luciferin to create various gates.