I sit and I wonder what type of future there will be and if I will play a role, no matter how small, that will ensure that it becomes a future of hope. In that spirit, I have created an ideal tech tree that will create an infrastructure of knowledge that will lead from one development to the next. The focus on tech shouldn't be what drives a society forward, instead the basis for these innovations should ride on the coattails of a philosophical change that can come about only through a change in the way humans think and perceive the world around them.
But until I figure that out, here is my path to the future.
Beginning with the ideal of a floating society that is interdependent with no loyalties to the outside firmament. Not necessarily fully self-sufficient because we recognize the contributions that all humans can make to our continued existence.
With this in mind, we start with boats. Living aboard sailing vessels, extending upward to larger craft. Then create a meditation center that floats and is open to the public. A retreat from the civilization. Expand out to international waters with enclosed fish farm spheres. Checked daily to ensure the survival of our food sources. Expand the fish farm to a central housing system so that it doesn't require the back and forth transfer of people. Expand downward to the sea floor to search for ores to be used and sold. Design automated deep sea scavengers.
Find a place and people in need of clean power that have large expanses of open land, then construct a massive solar tower. Integrate an algae farm within its environs. Develop the automated ground effect train for transfers within to without. Integrate the beamed power system, then work to use the beam to fly aircraft for loner distances.
Use the knowledge of these massive construction projects to build a floating airship. Using automated flying craft for resupply missions to the surface, put them in orbit around the Antarctica. Develop a series of fish farms that also operate in the cold southern oceans. Using the deep water autonomous mining drones, collect more raw materials.
Build the rotating sky hook launch tether in orbit. Using beamed powered high altitude cargo craft, begin the construction of a space transfer vehicle. Use airships as airborne launch facilities that use the ground based beam power supply. Once the transfer ship is completed, begin sending equipment to orbit around Venus.
In orbit around Venus, begin the construction of a skyhook system for inserting objects into the Venusian atmosphere. Construct airships the size of cities. Use the high pressure drones to collect minerals on the surface of Venus. Begin the conversion of the Venusian atmosphere to Earth standard.
Be well.