His steps
Attention, Meaning, Relevance, Memory
5 principles
1) Focus on language content that is relevant to you:
2) Use your new language as a tool to communicate from Day 1
3) When you first understand the message, you will unconsciously acquire the language
4) Physiological Training: muscles to speak and muscles to hear
5) Psycho-physiological State matters
Learn to deal with ambiguity!
7 Actions for Rapid Language Acquisition
1) Listen a lot/brain soaking
2) Focus on getting the meaning first, before the words
3) Start mixing words
4) Focus on the Core- 1000 words is 85% of daily language, 3000 words is 98%
5) Get a language parent
a) Works to understand what you are saying
b) Does not correct mistakes
c) Confirms understanding by using correct language
d) Uses words the learner knows
6) Copy the face
7) “Direct connect” to mental images