Saturday, August 15, 2015

The True Believer by Eric Hoffer

What an amazing book that ,although it was written in 1951, it's still relevant in the mass movements of our modern times.

Monday, July 27, 2015

6000 years of apocalypse

What is it about apocalyptic and revolutionary fantasies? The ideal to tear it all down because you think that you can do it better. The ideal that everyone will die and you will succeed. Ideals that are demonstrably false and yet they continue to live on. Shown by cognitive studies that humans are both overconfident in their skills as well as being unable to see the full story beyond what is in front of their eyes. This is what holds us back as a people. Instead of working to create the world peacefully, we only see that total destruction is the path to redemption. We know that the powerful are unwilling to give in easily, so the path to violence appears the fastest.  We accept the world and say that it is how it has always been, unwilling to pierce the veil of the lie that our lives are based upon. For change is painful. It is slow and it is scary.  To stay with the devil we know is yet another learned heuristic. A mere subtly of the way the mind acts and reacts to stimuli. An evolutionary quirk. 

Glory is found in the simplistic view. An action that allows our minds to not challenge the beliefs that we hold dear. To reevaluate and change is to show weakness to those who accept no change. 

The human mind is so weak and yet so intractable. To find a way to prime. To create mnemonic devices. In the field of view and yet not seen. Direct confrontation creates resistance. Slapping the water creates a solid. Move slow enough and the water is but a pressure to be maneuvered through. So what are the views that must be changed?

The world has always been this way.

We deserve nothing.

Others have worked and deserve what they have.

The money has always flowed from top to bottom.

The bottom does not create. 

Money is the best motivator.

People feel a sense of entitlement.

And changed to what?

Things to be done on the boat

backing plates or larger washers throughout
reinforce wood railing
ball cap nuts
rubber caps for big holes on keel case
port window seal
wooden swinging companionway doors
dorade on forward cabin vertical wall
compass mount
1/4" pvc conduit
paint winch handle orange
gasket or foam for top of bulkhead
led nav light replacements: 1156LL anchorlight
cup holders
window frames  ID 2 3/4" (7cm)x 8 1/4"(21cm)
pendulum for balance

mount strip of red leds near companionway
sand/prime/paint deck
sand/varnish wood rails and bowsprit
rig downhaul for jib and staysail (GEER system)
wax hull
**fix keel winch mount
replace cockpit drain- dimensions?
buy saltwater fishing license
buy bbq
remove lazarette shelf and install hooks and netting
wall mount for ipad/tablet or ceiling
mount handle on both sides of companionway hatch

**need teak or hardwood block no more than 5 1/2"wide and 12" long and no less than 4" bolt center +2" on either side for 6" length
best size will be 10" long ans 3 1/2" x >1/2"thick
FG= 3/16" thick 3/16" metal on winch + bold and add large washer on both top and bottom
1/4" bolts width
clearance between bottom of interior metal to cables is 1 1/2"

battery box 10 1/4"L x 5 1/2"W x 6"H

Human behavior stuff

A few notes of things that I've come across and need to reference.

Taylorism: Scientific Management, also called Taylorism,[1] is a theory of management that analyzes and synthesizes workflows. Its main objective is improving economic efficiency, especially labor productivity. It was one of the earliest attempts to apply science to the engineering of processes and to management.
Its development began with Frederick Winslow Taylor in the 1880s and 1890s within the manufacturing industries. Its peak of influence came in the 1910s;[2] by the 1920s, it was still influential but had entered intocompetition and syncretism with opposing or complementary ideas.
Although scientific management as a distinct theory or school of thought was obsolete by the 1930s, most of its themes are still important parts of industrial engineering and management today. These include analysis; synthesis; logic; rationalityempiricismwork ethic; efficiency and elimination of wastestandardization of best practices; disdain for tradition preserved merely for its own sake or to protect the social statusof particular workers with particular skill sets; the transformation of craft production into mass production; and knowledge transfer between workers and from workers into tools, processes, and documentation. wikipedia

Hawthorne Experiments: The Hawthorne effect (also referred to as the observer effect) is a type of reactivity in which individuals modify or improve an aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of being observed.[1][2] The original "Hawthorne effect" study at the Hawthorne Works suggested that the novelty of being research subjects and the increased attention from such could lead to temporary increases in workers' productivity.

Participatory economics, often abbreviated parecon, is an economic system based on participatory decision making as the primary economic mechanism for the allocation of the factors of production and guidance of production in a given society. Participatory decision-making involves the participation of all persons in decision-making on issues in proportion to the impact such decisions have on their lives. Participatory economics is a form of decentralized economic planning and socialism involving the common ownership of the means of production. The participatory economic system is proposed as an alternative to contemporary capitalism, as well as an alternative to central planning. This economic model is primarily associated with the proposals put forth by the political theorist Michael Albert and economist Robin Hahnel, who describe participatory economics as an anarchistic economic vision.[1]
The underlying values that parecon seeks to implement are equitysolidarity, diversity, workers' self-management and efficiency (defined as accomplishing goals without wasting valued assets). The institutions of parecon include workers' and consumers' councils utilizing self-managerial methods for making decisions, balanced job complexesremuneration based on individual effort, and participatory planning.
Albert and Hahnel stress that parecon is only meant to address an alternative economic theory and must be accompanied by equally important alternative visions in the fields of politicsculture and kinship. The authors have also discussed elements of anarchism in the field of politics, polyculturalism in the field of culture, and feminism in the field of family and gender relations as being possible foundations for future alternative visions in these other spheres of society. Stephen R. Shalom has begun work on a participatory political vision he calls "par polity". Both systems together make up the political philosophy ofParticipism. Participatory Economics has also significantly shaped the interim International Organization for a Participatory Society.

Behaviorism (or behaviourism) is a behavioral approach to psychology that combines elements of philosophy, methodology, and theory. It emerged methodologically in the early twentieth century as a reaction to "mentalistic" psychology, which often had difficulty making predictions that could be tested using rigorous experimental methods. The primary tenet of methodological behaviorism, as expressed in the writings of John B. Watson and others, is that psychology should have only concerned itself with observable events. There has been a drastic shift in behaviorist philosophies throughout the 1940s and 1950s and again since the 1980s. Radical behaviorism is the conceptual piece purposed by B. F. Skinner that acknowledges the presence of private events—including cognition and emotions—but does not actually prompt that behavior to take place.[1]

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Signal and Thinking

So I finished a couple of books that ended up being about similar aspects of thought, Nate Silver's "The Signal and the Noise" and Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking, Fast and Slow". Although I started K's book first and then started Nate's book later, I ended up finishing The Signal first. Silver is just a better writer with a much more concise interaction with statistics and heuristics while "Thinking" is very in depth with lots of lab work and real test outputs. Definitely recommend reading Silver's book first as it gives a much better explanation of Bayes's theory as well as how the math works in the examples. Then jump to K's book because he really invests the time to show all of the different interactions of the math with the irrationality of the human reaction to situations.

I really wish I had taken notes of the highlights, but I didn't. Granted the notes would make as much sense for people who are not me as the last post, but this blog is for me.

Some of the key points in Thinking, Fast and Slow is about System 1 and System 2.

1 operates automatically and quickly, with little or no effort and no sense of voluntary control.

2 allocates attention to the effortful mental activities that demand it, including complex computations. The operations of System 2 are often associated with the subjective experience of agency, choice, and concentration.

The are not objectively different systems of the brain, but are mnemomics to how the brain operates.

Both books then take this process and demonstrate how you can't fully trust the output of your mind. It needs to be run through a decision filter, especially in regards to overconfidence, before taking an action. Which is where Bayes and the idea of probability and confidence percentages come into use. Start with prior belief of expected percentage of something to occur, then develop the percentage after examining the evidence, then finish with the necessary percentage to create a change in the output.

Sortof. I should probably read them again to get a better picture or maybe go back to school.

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Road Less Traveled

Ok so this is my first set of notes, perspectives, and points of interest/quotes from the book, The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck. Overall a solid read for psych therapy and really helpful if you are wondering if you could use a bit of work. The last third of the book kinda went off a dock with a bit of floating around in the world of religiosity and god of the gaps, but even then it does have it's points. My thoughts are delineated by **.

-Discipline comes from training and the comfortable place to train.

Delayed gratification requires knowledge that the future is secure.

take the time to solve problems, but first you have to confront the problem

Neurotic- you think you are at fault
Character disorder- you think that others are at fault
character neurotics- combo of finding what you are responsible for

pg 23- No problem can be solved until the individual assumes the responsibility for solving it

26- whenever we seek to avoid the responsibility for our own behavior, we do so by attempting to give that responsibility to some other individual or organization or entity

felt impotent because we have given our power away

Tools for change
1st tool- Recognize
2nd- responsibility
3rd- Dedication to the Truth

Weltanschauung- world view- a comprehensive conception of the world

Continuously update and revise your worldview even if painful

Transference- set of way of perceiving and responding to the world which is developed in childhood and which is usually entirely appropriate to the childhood* environment but which is inappropriately transferred into the adult world.

* or any much earlier time

**Goddamn it, Am I the computer tech? No, because I am willing to change.

A life of total dedication to the truth is a life of willingness to be personally challenged.

2 biggest lies we tell-
we really love our children
Our parents really loved us

white, gray, and black lies

Pg 41 Rules to stay dedicated to the truth

Balancing - disciplining discipline

Erik Erikson- 8 Stages of Development

Bracketing- putting aside present needs, past experience, and future expectations to experience current data/situation. i.e. not doing what I did when visiting New Zealand.

You must have something before you can give it up- develop who you are.

Discipline is a system of techniques.

Love- The will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth.

Ego boundaries

Falling in love is not real love

Lie of True Love

Misconception of dependency as love

passive dependent personality disorder

loving "pets"- only having affection for those totally dependent and stopping when they assert their own will, i.e. infants

social masochism- to feel love they allow pain and the self-righteousness of moral superiority: **Hi, mom!

Love is not a feeling it is an action

cathexis- relationship between us and object
decathecting- losing that emotional bond

love is one of work or courage, an extension of ourselves to strive for spiritual growth

work of attention

Listening to great lecturer vs 6 year old

true listening (love in action) vs less than total

game playing

Loss: cathexis requires pain

Carlos Casteneda "The Teachings of Don Juan"


commitment constancy necessary to battle fear of abandonment

-great potential for arrogance (a risk)
- self scrutiny is needed to correcting others
2 types -instinctive ->arrogant
            -self doubting ->humility

discipline how much love is limited, don't waste nor overextend

separateness - emotionally understanding the idea of me and you
Kahlil Gibran "the prophet"

pg 127- Strive to be God?

The delineation of knowable and unknowable
is a poor bet for the future

**he has an interesting definition of religion- anything you do or believe on a regular basis

Section 4 Grace

**I think one of his problems is that he loses the sense of wonder and enchantment when things are explained scientifically. He enjoys the "God of the Gaps" to account for what doesn't fit, even though he supports the scientific study of miracles.

Dreams and idle thoughts

**collective unconscious? Give me a break. People don't "possess" the knowledge before being taught.

Look up this study on Psychic Phenomenon: Montague Ullman, MD and Stanley Krippner, PhD
"An experimental approach to dreams and telepathy" 1970

**ESP?! seriously? What a 70's book

Grace as an outside force connecting and encouraging human spiritual growth.  (**outside force?)

entropy and evolution- **easily shows that he doesn't understand the science behind evolution

pg 192- "God is the goal of evolution" OMG

failure to debate is the Original Sin

Fear can create laziness and vice versa

Problem of Evil:
evil is real
is laziness carried to extreme
ineffective as social force

evil is exercise of political power to avoid extending oneself for the purpose of spiritual growth

laziness is nonlove, evil is antilove

spiritual growth is the growth or evolution of consciousness.

nature of power- political or spiritual

Spiritual Power is the capacity to maintain awareness and one's ability to make decisions with greater awareness

assuming total responsibility

**grasping at meaning is evident in this author**
"The reality of grace indicates humanity to be at the center of the universe"
**merely medieval thoughts rewritten for the modern age

**He makes lots of good points with solid directions for practical change, but then he gets carried away with the metaphysical that is mostly unproven.

History of things I wasn't taught

Because I'm old enough to have been taught nothing about the Eastern Roman Empire. An amazing podcast that really puts quite a few things into perspective, most especially the method of solving religious questions about christian theology- mob violence.

Because I went to a christian school that taught that evolution is false. I still get pissed with how many years I was deprived of learning about the beauty of the scientific explanation for our existence.

more to come...

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Diaries are boring

Who really cares about diaries and blogs? So I'm going to take a cue from a friend of mine and start keeping notes and commentaries on books that I read. My memory is basically nil so this should give me the ability to search my own knowledge base.

Of course I'm lazy so I'm not sure I'm going to start with notes on "Thinking, Fast and Slow" since I'm already half-way through it.

Found my boat log from the first night

On the boat. May 9 9:30am

Feeling a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. The biggest is that I'm no longer homeless. Sure it's a small boat, but Zoe has what I need and projects to keep me busy until the future.

It just feels good to sit and not have anything that has to be done. She's in the water. The anchor is holding, even with all the rocking and rolling of this anchorage. Though I gotta figure out how to stop from dancing.  The sails are holding up, though a little sail tape would be nice. 

So by June 20 all the bills will be paid for the refit, the I can start saving for upgrades. Like new sails and rigging- both running and standing. I could easily drop another $2000 in a heartbeat. $350/ headsail, $600 mainsail , $.60/ft for lines and an easy 400 ft is needed so $240,  $.60/ft +hardware for standing not to mention crimping tools.  

Though I doubt I'll have that much extra.

Food will be hard to determine. Fresh vegetables could run $20/week, juice/water would be $5/week. Canned food is going to be in the $4/day range. So $225 and not even into staples or eating out. Add another $100 for miscellaneous foods, for $325

So $427?

Estimates were good. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Floating meditation

As I sit and feel the roll of the boat under me, I wonder if others would like to feel the same sensation. Which made me think of getting an older 30+ foot houseboat and clear it out to become and open floored meditation barge. Drop a hook somewhere, post an ad on craigslist, and then just leave it there. Let kayakers and others make their way to a private place on the water that allows for meditating near the water without all the sand of sitting on beach plus the stability of being on a larger craft.

As I thought about it the idea morphed, as my idea are wont to do, into something a little grander. To have the meditation areas on the roof as well for sunrise and sunset times. During the day would just be too hot, though I'm sure if people are willing to put themselves through "hot yoga" then they'll want hot meditations.

And then it became even more complicated.

In the center of the space, build a tree-shaped framework of hydroponic plumbing that you can have plants growing from to cover the framework. In this way you could have a "tree of life", something that is alive and in the shape of a tree but with a variety of smaller plants that provide relaxing and stimulating aromas, like lemon balm or mint, year round. You would then cut out a circle in the roof to install a dome of clear material that would provide the necessary sunlight for the plants to grow. This dome would then have gutters at the base to capture rainwater to be used in the garden, as well as opening windows to provide necessary ventilation for the entire space.

From Ipad notes:

Floating meditation center.

Hardwood floors to allow for meditation on three levels:

Rooftop- as it sounds  one section of roof for meditation only practical at sunrise or sunset since the heat is pretty intense

Under tree inside- there will be a "tree of life" that is made of various plants hydroponically grown on a framework in the shape of a tree. On a 30 foot boat the base could be 1-2 foot diameter and at the roofline (that will be raised) about 6-7 feet across.  The original solid roof will be removed and replaced with a clear dome of plexiglass segments. The center of top of dome will be able to rise to allow for airflow or to extend shade in case of intense summer sun. Rainwater catchment system will be at bottom edge of dome so that filtered rain can be used in the hydroponic setup. I'm thinking of perennial  bushes like mint, basil, or similar to add aromatics- though that might be of issue to those with allergies. 

Stern- the aft section of the cabin, if large enough. Most likely this will be the place for the preparation of tea and such, with the bathroom below the forward section. 

Another idea would be to have a camera and accelerometer transmitting movement and visuals to a webpage. This information would then be transmitted to home "platforms". The platforms would mimic the movements of the boat for people who can't make it out. They would assume a meditative position on a 4' circle that has a series of hydraulic arms beneath it to reproduce the movements. They could then watch the video stream that matches the recorded movements.  This wouldn't quite be live but if necessary, could be close depending on processing speed and network transmission. 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Anchoring sucks.

That's all there is to it. Anchoring just sucks. I've tried all sorts of methods and they are just difficult to manage.  I'm staying awake because of slight drifts and strange movements. Sometimes I'll drag for what appears to be 20-30 feet but then holds steady while I take constant gps fixes. Fortunately my ipad can get gps signals and I was able to find a couple of very old apps to use. So I get the numbers and they keep changing. But changing just a bit larger than what my anchor scope seems. But then they go back to the original location. Too weird. I'm gonna have to get an android phone just so I can get an anchor alarm app to wake me if things drag. I also need to get an outboard. The winds really kick up, to try and row the boat and set an anchor alone is nigh impossible.

It's just that I can't really prepare for wind directions. I have a north/south tidal shift, but then winds have been coming from 360 degrees. That just isn't normal. It's supposed to be a 180 deg change dammit. East to West by way of south. I'm getting East to West by south back to East via north. And then at midnight I'm getting NorEaster winds.

Right now I have my anchors set ENE and WSW of my position, 180 deg of shift. This way I should have the best shifting and backup in case of drag. I'm running 70 feet of line from each and I'm a couple hundred yards offshore. So in case of drag I should have a second catching. But it might set too late and just leave me in the shallows.

Oh yeah, I also just learned that I'm right next to an alligator breeding area. Saw a baby in the parking lot on the way to the bathroom. So now if I wash ashore in the middle of the night I'll be crawling through the mangroves with the gators. Oh joy.

On an interesting note, there is no bioluminescence in the water or mud on this side of the point. There is on the other side.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The boat log May 17 - 22nd

I'll post some previous notes and relevant email blurbs later.

Today it is May 17, 2015

I am afraid. Last night I dragged anchor and didn't realize until I looked out the hatch. There was no other feeling. My boat was sliding down the anchorage and was almost upon the next vessel when I looked out. Unfortunately that was also the night when I thought that my anchor would hold and so didn't need the additional anchor to be prepped. I slowly was able to pull the anchor and rode from the lazerette and ready it to drop. I had also gone below and grabbed the oar hoping to not need it to push off from the other boat. I stood there in the driving rain, wearing nothing but my underwear, as I drifted within 20 feet of the other boat missing both it and it's anchor. I'm not sure just how lucky and unlucky you can be in a single moment but that was one of my golden ones.

So now I am scared of what tonite might bring. I have given up on have a prepped anchor and was able to row my boat forward to drop the second anchor at a 45 degree angle to the first. Hopefully it sets properly, but it's a fluke and they set quickly. Unless they don't and they drag.

I also extended the scope to almost 10 to 1 at low tide. I drifted into the reeds at low tide but I don't care. The anchor must hold. I must be able to sleep soundly at night. There is expected to be another thunderstorm with gusts tonight. If my anchors do not hold then I must give in and say that I can not handle this boat. There is nothing more to it. Anchoring is the mainstay of cruising. It is what allows you to rest. It provides the comfort in the darkness while the winds and rain thrash around you.

I have insurance anyone I hit. And if it's just me hitting the beach then so be it.

18 may 2015 11:45

It held. I stayed awake until 1am watching and jumping up with every new gust. Just tracking and tracking, even ran the gps software on the Ipad to see if it showed any movement. Then I slept but only til just before 7am. Awaking with a start, only to see everything in place. Nauseous with exhuastion and worry, I could only lay there. It's a beautiful morning. I finally got up to get stuff done.

Julia and the kid's serendipitous meeting yesterday on the road really turned my attitudes around. My last entry was quite dour, even though they had just left and I was in good spirits. The boat though is a huge source of stress. I just don't know how long I can keep this up. If the anchors hold for the rest of the week, if I can keep the water leaking in from becoming an issue, if I can learn to stabilize or just deal with the massive amounts of rocking. To make it through. To feel a glimmer of hope and reassurance that I've made the right decision.

So now I sit at a diner as my clothes wash next door. I really hope my solar charger comes soon. End of the month I might sign up for a data plan, see if the verizon phones can be tethered to a computer.

21 May 2015 13:39

Once again at the Seminole Library charging my electronics and checking on things. Storms are coming this weekend and since I also didn't want to deal with all of the chucklehead traffic for the holiday, I moved the boat to the east side of the peninsula. There's nothing there to make contact with if I drag, except for a slowly rising seabed. It's about 4 feet deep, or it was when I left so I hope nothing went wrong. I don't remember if I raised by keel all the way up or not. That sucks. I keep forgetting those little things. And I can't seem to figure out how to connect to the library's wifi with my laptop. So I'll just charge the pc and ipad. I think there is something wrong with the dock water at the VA so I'm going to switch to just drinking bottled from Walmart, so adding $20/month to expenses. I seem to be doing ok, but I need to figure out how to eat healthier. At this point I'm eating canned foods and they are stuffed with sodium- the clam chowder was 70% of the daily allowance on it's own! I'm not drinking enough water to clear out the sodium so I'm gonna need to solve these issues. Healthy foods that don't require refrigeration or cooking. I should just buy the sprouts thing so I can end up like a cow. Or I need to learn how to cook on the single burner. Tomorrow I'll go to my storage unit and get a larger pot and knife. I'll also need to order a gear hammock ($7) or a toy hammock ($9)- they use a three point connection which would be a great idea for the V.

So far I'm down to <$200 available on each of the credit cards. Wow. Crazy how much money I've spent, and the payments for those cards isn't coming due till the 23rd. I think it will be about $2k on the 23rd and then next month will be another $1800. I'll have the money as long as nothing big comes up. I
need to remember to go to the yard on saturday morning to move those boards.

Stardate friday, may 22, 2015 16:43

Solar controller has arrived! Installed and operating at about 1600, solid green light. Need to get a small zip tie from storage (and I was just there dammit) to attach it to ceiling. Solar panel is on the deck but not attached- except to some rope tying it to the mast. I'm trying to figure out the best place for it, the good thing is that I didn't install it before I left the yard. The place I originally planned would be caught by the jib sheets and either tear the panel off or just cut through the sheets.

But I am now getting 1.5 amps or so into the battery. I figure that I've been using the boat for 14 days, probably averaging 15 minutes of led lighting (3W) per day so about 1 amp(?!).Seems low but probably even less, I've mostly been reading with the backlight on the nook or watching ipad movies. Consider about 15 minutes on average for the vhf(7W) as well which is a little higher at 2 amps. So theoretically, the battery should be fully charged in 2 hours of direct sunlight. I should have good sun until 1930 then the angle gets severe, but by 1800 or 1830 it should be charged and the light should start blinking. Well the battery probably wasn't fully charged at the store and had been sitting for a bit.

I'm in a new anchorage, well actually the very first anchorage, a couple hundred meters from the boat launch at the War Veterans Park. It might actually be a better location overall since there is a public bathroom and drinking fountain with decent water. The main difficulty is the distance to shore, in the inflatable raft it's a pain to row in anything more than a light breeze. Tide is going out so, I'll wait for a slack tide to head into shore for refilling my water jugs.

Today I finally came to accept that it's not so bad out here. I've been reading and sleeping and taking my meds again. I stopped for a couple days because I needed to stay awake for the storm and to make sure my anchor didn't drag. Here I'm not so worried as there really aren't any boats for me to crash into, well except for the marina on the other side of the channel- but that's a good ways off. Wishful thinking.

So anyways, I started to understand that it isn't so bad, yeah, there's lots of things horribly wrong but I actually have gone sailing ON MY OWN BOAT a half dozen times in the past couple of weeks. That's more than the last 5 years or more. Now that I'm at a comfortable anchorage I'm also feeling less restless. This is a big thing. I'm not feeling rushed. There is a storm coming up in a couple of days and I'm trying to batten down and figure out what to do. I've got my anchors out in a 180 degree fashion, which means my anchor lines are a bit twisted- should cause a problem as they can take a bit of abuse. Hopefully.

1709 and the light is still burning on the controller. Yay! I'm recharging!

I think I'm spending too much on food. Dropped another $15 for lunch but it was soo good (Mexican chile verde w/ pork). That's in addition to the $7 fried chicken I had last night and the who knows how much the day before. Add in the $2 yogurts, $3 bag of veggies, $7 bowl of dates (though that will last a week or so). Monday the auto pay on my credit cards will go through and anything I buy after that should go on the July bill. Which will include a sprouting kit, hammocks, and stuff.

That's all for now.

Just not steady

So now It's almost 6 months from the last update, guess I'll write something again.

The biggest change is that I'm now living on a boat. A 23 foot Macgregor Newport sailboat. Small but good for me. I guess I'll post my boat log here. And then throw up some pics later.